
Insider February 2022

HMRC waives penalties for late Self Assessment again, Omicron- hit employers can reclaim money from the Treasury to cover SSP paid to employees and eligible businesses in England have until the end of this month
to apply for the new Omicron hospitality and leisure grants.

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Insider January 2022

HMRC issues last reminder for 2020/21 personal tax returns, there is more red tape for importers as new EU checks kick in and almost a quarter of landlords plan to sell up over the next 12 months

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Insider December 2021

Six month extension for Covid-19 recovery loan scheme, cladding tax to affect large property developers in 2022/23 and the tax reporting deadline for additional property sales extends.

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Insider November 2021

Salary sacrifice could ‘dampen increased NIC costs’, the hospitality and tourism VAT rate increases to 12.5% and the temporary £1m annual investment allowance is extended.

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